Types of Plastic That Can Be Recycled at Work

What are the types of plastic that can be recycled in the workplace? There are seven main plastic types that we’re going to look at today, along with how recyclable each of the variants are. Knowing what can and what can’t be recycled at work

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12 Days of Low-Waste Holiday Tips: how to celebrate eco-friendly, Covid-safe holidays – Part Two

This is the second part of our “12 Days of low-waste holiday tips on how to celebrate eco-friendly, Covid-safe holidays”. Find the first part here. Read below for more tips on how to celebrate the holiday season in a way that produces less waste and

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How to Start a Corporate Green Team to Fast-track Your Green Initiatives

Are you planning to start an effective corporate green team? First of all – congratulations on embracing good environmental practices in the workplace! This is the beginning of your eco-adventure, and a great way to help your company, and the planet. Committing to sustainable economic

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12 Days of Low-Waste Holiday Tips: How to celebrate eco-friendly, Covid-safe holidays – Part One

Yes, it is actually December. We are shocked too at how fast time has flew by this year. Between the Covid-19 global pandemic, important social justice movements, and personal moments of celebration and anxiety, it has been a whirlwind of a year for most people.

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How to Do a Waste Audit for Your Company (Quick 10 Min Checklist)

Do you know how to do a waste audit for your company? According to Great Forest, 77% of corporate trash is made up of paper, glass, metal, e-waste and organic materials that can – and should – be recycled. Only 23% of trash is worthy

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How to properly wrap up Halloween activities

Did your family celebrate Halloween by trick or treating or with a small party? Halloween is neat, but the aftermath can be messy. Here are quick tips on how to wrap up your Halloween festivities. Can you recycle candy and chocolate wrappers? Whether you indulged

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