How to Dispose of Lithium-Ion Batteries (And Help Prevent Fires)

There are so many products that use lithium-ion on batteries on the market today: vape pens, phones, laptops, power tools, and much more. Are there any battery recycling programs? Are batteries hazardous waste? Is it ok to throw batteries in the garbage? As a consumer,

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Workplace Recycling Education and Why You Need It

Is recycling education in the workplace necessary? There are few business owners alive today who won’t readily admit the importance of recycling in the workplace. It’s the reason so many companies invest in office recycling solutions. Yet even with these programs on-the-go, recycling contamination remains

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Are You a Real Steward of the Planet? Assess Yourself Now

It’s time to take stock of where you are in your sustainable living journey, and see if your home is as green as it could be.

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9 Ways to Reduce Food Waste for Your Business

How do you reduce food waste for your business? As a business owner, improving how you manage your organic waste reduces disposal costs, increases employee satisfaction, and it sends a positive message to your customers that you want to help save the environment. Whether your

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Post-Valentine’s Day E-Waste: How to recycle and dispose of tech gifts and items

We’ve already looked at how to dispose of common Valentine’s Day items like cards, chocolate wrappers, and flowers. There’s so much more you may find yourself having to toss out after a day full of love (either as a couple, with friends, or yourself). In

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What is E-waste and Why is it Harmful? (+Workplace Solutions)

Today’s question: What is e-waste anyway, and why is it still a problem? Technology is often framed as a savior, but when it comes to growing levels of toxic waste – it spells trouble for the environment. Let’s take a closer look at what e-waste

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