End plastic pollution this Earth Day

On Sunday, April 22nd, you can participate in one of the largest environmental movements on the planet—Earth Day. With one billion participants from 195 countries, Earth Day isn’t an event you’ll want to miss out on, trust us. Plus, participating is easy (more on that

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A Household Guide to Composting

Today, let’s turn you on to composting and get you slinging soil that’ll make your garden happy and increase your local landfill’s lifespan. According to EPA estimates, about 30% of our household waste is made up of compostable material, i.e. plant food. Unfortunately, when our

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The lifecycle of a plastic shopping bag

Meet Henry. Henry’s a plastic shopping bag. Right now, he’s hanging out at your local supermarket eagerly awaiting the day he can help you take your groceries home. But Henry wasn’t always a bag. Just a couple months ago, he was petroleum oil. In fact, plastic

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Plastic bags are ruining recycling. Here’s why.

There’s an easy way for you to make recycling economically viable for your community, and it only takes a second of your time. Seriously, just one second. So, what is it, you ask? Stop bagging your recyclables. Unfortunately, most of us like to put our

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Make recycling sustainable, one aluminum can at a time

If there’s one material you absolutely should recycle, it’s aluminum cans. Because they’re 100% recyclable (and sustainable), they’re universally accepted. That means recycling programs everywhere will happily take them back. Yours included. Aluminum cans are recycled more than any other consumer product on the planet

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