Your Clients Don’t Know How Recycling Helps the Environment

Do you know exactly how recycling helps the environment? As the CSR manager of your company, it’s your job to know. But we’re here to tell you that your clients don’t know. Getting them onboard means successfully communicating recycling benefits in new and creative ways.

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Why You Should Start a Sustainable Halloween Tradition (Composting Pumpkins)

It’s high time we add to our Halloween traditions with a sustainable method of disposal—composting pumpkins! Carving pumpkins is a long-standing tradition that brings joy and creativity to many families’ fall traditions. Why not make disposing of them part of the tradition as well? Pumpkins

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Tips for Canada’s Waste Reduction Week

Waste Reduction Week in Canada is a great time of year to reevaluate the waste you produce in your own home and find better eco-friendly solutions. celebrates 20 years of taking the time to help the environment in Canada by creating solutions that will

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10+ Companies Creating Recycled Plastic Products

Recycled plastic products are everywhere, and that’s a good thing. In today’s post, we see how some of the world’s most sustainable brands are using advanced recycling methods for greener business. By recycling existing plastic materials into new products for sale, companies tap into a

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30 Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste in your Home

It feels impossible to go plastic free nowadays, but even if we can’t solve the problem overnight, there are plenty of ways to help reduce plastic waste in your home to start making a positive impact on our environment. What happens to all that plastic

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10+ Ways to Recycle Greeting Cards at Work

Do you recycle greeting cards at work? From Halloween to New Year’s Day, the holiday season has everyone at the office exchanging cards of all shapes and sizes. If your green team is looking to make an impact where it counts, instituting these simple card

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