How to Repair, Reuse, and Recycle Old Electronics [Avoid Holiday E-Waste]

Nowadays, you should recycle old electronics as part of your yearly holiday traditions. It’s great to have the newest version of your device, but what do you do with the outdated one? This issue has led to a dramatic build-up of e-waste and an upsurge

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Aluminum Foil Recycling (5 Must-Know Tips for Work)

Are your foil recycling practices up to date at work? Aluminum is everywhere, but nowhere is it more common than the average employee’s lunchbox. Even the foil from your CEO’s pastrami sandwich has, at some point, found its way into your workplace recycling stream. According

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Recycling Aerosol Cans

There is a safe way to dispose of aerosol cans for metal recycling through recycling or household hazardous waste programs where available. Have you ever wondered what to do with spray cans after they’re done? It can be confusing how to dispose of spray paint

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10 Ways to Avoid Recycling Contamination at Home [+Tips]

Recycling contamination has become a big problem over the past few years. After policy changes and procedural changes, it is no longer ok to throw anything you think can be recycled in the bin. This is what leads to contamination of recyclables. It’s becoming more

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8 Ways to Make Coastal Cleanups Popular at The Office

Summertime coastal cleanups are a lot of hard work. How do you get people at the office onboard? Here are 8 simple ways to encourage employees to join your green team coastal cleanup day. Few things are as green as protecting and preserving our oceans,

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15+ Top Office Recycling Facts and Stats (By Material)

These office recycling facts and statistics are quite amazing! Recycling at work is a critical part of the waste reduction ecosystem. Without green teams and members of staff who care about material disposal at work, recycling rates would be much lower. Your business is a

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