Holiday Wish List & New Year’s Resolution: Healthier, Eco-friendly Lifestyle

We’re in the thick of the holiday season, and the countdown is on for New Year’s resolutions. Ahead of the “new year, new me” social media posts, take a pause and think about your holiday wish list. Reflecting on how this year ends can give

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Why recycling matters

If you’re a recycling nay-sayer, stick around. I dare you. In this blog, I’m going to change your mind about recycling. Around 14% of people are either ambivalent about or downright against recycling. Their reasons are many. It costs too much It doesn’t even make a difference Seriously, who even cares? If you fall into one of…

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4 simple back to school recycling tips

Back-to-school season is upon us, which means shopping. Lots of shopping. Dubbed “Christmas in August”, it’s actually the second-biggest shopping season of the year. And it can be pretty wasteful, too. Unnecessarily so, we think. That’s why we’ve put together 4 tips to help you stay sustainable this year—both inside and outside the classroom. Don’t buy new if …

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Understanding the food waste problem and how you can help

Every year, we waste 1.3 billion tons of food, enough to feed the world’s undernourished population four times over. Shocking, we know. We produce way more food than we actually need. So why all the waste? Seriously. Just under half the food we produce doesn’t find its

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Handling your holiday waste: From Christmas lights to wrapping paper

Over the holidays, we toss out a million tons of holiday waste. And we call it the season of giving, but it feels like the season of wasting when you hear that fact. Seriously though, this time of year can be extremely wasteful. Needlessly so. Which

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For the love of Earth: Recycling Valentine’s Day waste

The season of love will soon be upon us. If you’re lucky enough to have a special someone, chances are you’ll be scoring a card. Maybe a lil bouquet. If that special someone’s feeling especially decadent, they might sort you out with some chocolate fondue. You know,

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