All you need to know about plastic bag recycling

If you know your recycling, you probably already know that most communities don’t accept plastic bags in their curbside bins. And if you recycle like a pro, you may know that plastic bag recycling is a thing you can do at most local grocery stores,

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How bad are greasy pizza boxes for recycling?

When it comes to recycling, greasy pizza boxes are bad. Seriously bad. To understand why, let’s take a look at how paper and cardboard recycling works. The heat processes required for glass, metal or plastic recycling can burn off small amounts of food residue. So

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3 ways you can participate in Global Recycling Day

For those who don’t already know, March 18th marks a very important date, the first-ever Global Recycling Day. To all of us here at Recycle Coach, #GlobalRecyclingDay isn’t just another hashtag holiday. It’s an opportunity to empower ourselves and our communities by raising awareness about

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Your guide to a green spring cleaning

Now that spring’s finally here, everything’s getting greener—and you can, too, with our guide to a green spring cleaning. Instead of tossing unwanted items in the trash, let’s look at ways we can reduce our waste footprint by recycling and reusing. But before we begin,

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Help put a stop to wish-cycling

Ever heard of wish-cycling? If not, no worries, you’re definitely not alone. Turns out a lot of us are in the dark when it comes to this bad habit. That’s just one reason why so many of us do it. It’s happened to most of

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3 fun recycling ideas for kids

Coming up with recycling ideas for kids can be tough, which is why we’ve done it for you. By teaching kids to take an active role in reducing household waste, you’re contributing to a greener future. That’s because kids who recycle turn into adults who

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