3 Recycling Facts You Should Learn by Heart

Heard any interesting recycling facts lately? We asked recycling innovator TerraCycle, to tell us the three most important facts about recycling they know. Chances are, you don’t know them yet. If you’ve never heard the amazing story of TerraCycle – where have you been? Founded

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Is COVID-19 the End of US Recycling?

The US recycling system has spent the last few years fighting for survival. Budget cuts, recycling center closures and program shut-downs have been the norm. Then COVID-19 struck.

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The Benefits of a State-of-the-Art Recycling Initiative for Your Workplace

Why implement a recycling initiative in the workplace? Download our E-Book and Office Poster collection for solutions. The world of work looks different today than it did yesterday. One of the topics that employees and customers are very conscious about is environmental advocacy and awareness.

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This Earth Day Celebrate With Responsible Antiviral Face Mask Disposal

Have you taught your residents about antiviral face mask disposal? It’s been 50 years of celebrating Earth Day and the green movement – yet this year is fundamentally different because of COVID-19.

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The State-wide Impact of Recycle Coach: A Case Study

Download the Case Study This case study was first published in April 2020. Below is an excerpt: In 2017, Recycle Coach was awarded the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s recycling education program. In New Jersey, it’s required by law to recycle certain materials – so

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