6 Brilliant Hacks to Advertise Your Seasonal Trash and Recycling Events

With September just around the corner, so are seasonal paper shredding events, drop-off events for used tires, clothes, electronic waste, HHW, yard waste, and more. Whether you’ve already started planning for your recycling events or just starting to think about it: These 6 hacks will help you

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Why Your Trash and Recycling Website Isn’t Reaching Residents (And 3 Ways to Fix It)

Municipal websites are still relied upon sources for a resident to find local information about their recycling and waste program. This is backed by a study in 2016 by Foodservice Packaging Institute, Inc., which asked 1000 U.S. homeowners which source they relied on most for recycling information.

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7 Killer Resources for Your Recycling Outreach

An unlimited budget to spend on improving your solid waste and recycling programs would be ideal – however, this isn’t the reality for most. Don’t let that discourage you though! There are still many amazing, free resources out there that will help you: Educate your residents,

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The Shocking Truth About Textile Waste

Textile waste is now estimated to be the fastest growing waste stream in many countries. This is a result of today’s fast fashion and array of inexpensive clothes, purses, footwear, towels, and more that make textiles easily replaceable – and easily disposable. The Council for

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The College Town Recycling Crisis: How to Turn Orientation into Opportunity

We know, we know. Managing your city’s waste and recycling programs is hard enough, but when you’re a college town, dealing with the massive influx of students at the beginning of the school year is an entirely different challenge.  And right now you’re probably dealing with the

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