Big City Recycling and Millennials

Increasing recycling rates by reaching Millenials Large cities face unique challenges when it comes to recycling and waste management. Space is an obvious issue, as is the sheer volume of waste produced by residents and businesses on a daily basis. Housing density is also a

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4 Things You Should Do to Reduce Holiday Waste Collection Change Chaos

Holidays can easily go from enjoyable to frustrating with multiple residents calling in about their collection schedule or complaining that their collection was missed. Here’s how to avoid confusion from holiday changes to your waste collection schedule:

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6 Secrets to Turn Non-Recycling Residents into Active Recyclers

Only half (51%) of the American population recycles every day, while a third (36%) recycles occasionally. Unfortunately, the rest (13%) do not recycle at all, according to Ipsos Public Affairs. While 13% may not seem like a large number, when that translates into approximately 42,000,000

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4 Step Guide to Reducing Waste at Outdoor Events

Plan ahead to reduce outdoor-event waste. Outdoor events can bring a lot of positive experiences. However, when hundreds to thousands of people are gathered in one place for an event, the consequential waste produced is not so positive. To add to the challenge, most outdoor events

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Are You Meeting Your Residents’ Mobile Expectations for Trash and Recycling?

On average, online users in the US currently spend over 5 hours each day on their mobile devices (that’s pretty much half a day!). Along with a surge in the time spent on mobile devices, 83% of users are also expecting a user-friendly experience across

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