How to recycle shredded paper

What to do with all that shredded paper… ? If you thought you could just toss it in your recycling bin and be done with it, you were wrong. For one, loose shredded paper doesn’t stay put. Introduce it to a strong gust of wind and its

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Why Can’t You Recycle Paper Coffee Cups?

These days, paper cups have a bad rap. That’s because they’re designed to be used only once before getting tossed out. We go through something like half a trillion disposable cups each year, or about seventy cups for every person on the planet. And to meet hygiene

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How to Get Rid of Used Furniture

Got some used furniture you’re looking to get rid of? Before tossing it to the curb or dropping it off at your nearest landfill, consider a different option. Sure, it might look like garbage to you. But to someone else, it’s a perfectly usable dining

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Pet waste: a simple guide to safe disposal

We all love our pets, but we sure don’t love their droppings. Pet waste is a nuisance – it’s dirty, it’s smelly, and it’s a chore to pick up. But once we’ve held our nose and scooped up Rover’s bad business, what’s the right way

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Can you recycle metal bottle caps?

We all know that beer and glass soda/pop/cola bottles should be recycled. You don’t need a coach to tell you that. But can you recycle metal bottle caps? What do you do with them, other than clutter up the kitchen counter? As you may have

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Is broken glass recyclable?

Is broken glass recyclable or can you throw it away? You might think that since glass jars and containers are recyclable, broken glass must be too. If that’s the case, you’re wrong. Unfortunately, broken glass is generally NOT recyclable – check your municipality’s specific rules

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