An intro to e-waste: Why it’s a problem

E-waste is one of the fastest-growing waste streams on the planet. Already, we produce something like 50 million tonnes of it each year. And that number’s only set to increase as electronics become more accessible worldwide. So, what is e-waste? E-waste, or electronic waste, encompasses electrical and

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How to safely dispose of fireworks

Summer is a time for celebration. Which means fireworks, lots of fireworks. Fireworks play a pivotal role in our public celebrations, from Canada Day and Independence Day to New Year’s Eve, and it’s easy to see why. They’re dramatic and awe-inspiring, a perfect way to

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Plastic-lined paper bags: Are they recyclable?

If your community recycles, chances are paper bags are fair game. But not all paper bags are as they seem. In fact, some aren’t even completely made from paper. Product packaging has gotten complicated. So complicated, that figuring out what’s recyclable and what isn’t can

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The problem with recycling receipts

I’m willing to bet you recycle your receipts. And why wouldn’t you? After all, they’re made from paper, which is recyclable, right? In this case: wrong. Well, mostly. Turns out there are two types of receipts floating around out there. The paper ones, which are

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How to safely dispose of old makeup and cosmetics

You toss on some rouge, a little mascara and cap it off with a swipe of lipstick. You think: Dayum, I look fine! And you know what? You do. But here’s the thing: even though cosmetics look good on people, they look awful on our planet. And

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Solving the cigarette butt problem

Cigarette butts don’t get enough flak in the media. Instead, we focus on the usual suspects: plastic straws, coffee cups, plastic bags, etc. But the thing is, cigarette butts are just as bad, if not worse. The butt waste problem Every year smokers burn through 5.5

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