How to survive the China Ban: Potential solutions

In our last article on surviving the China Ban, we identified the biggest recycling issue facing communities across the country: contamination. This week, let’s look at ways you can confront contamination head on, whether it’s implementing recycling communication tools that can help your community right

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3 reasons why your residents aren’t recycling

If you want more residents to recycle, you need to understand what’s stopping them. Recent numbers put Canadian and American recycling rates at 27% and 34.6% respectively. Not terrible. But not great, either. Especially when you consider Germany’s impressive rate of 56.1%. Which is to

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STATE OF RECYCLING: Confronting contamination

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), U.S. solid waste infrastructure currently scores a C+. This places it squarely in the “Mediocre, Requires Attention” category. Not exactly a glowing review, is it? But it’s not a shock, either. At least, not if you’ve

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How to survive the China Ban: Identifying the problem

Under a year ago, China passed its now-infamous National Sword policy, banning the import of 32 categories of solid waste and setting a 0.5% contamination standard on all accepted recyclables. Since then, a lot has changed.

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STATE OF RECYCLING: Taking a leadership role

When it comes to recycling communications, most of the officials we speak to at the state level want to do more, but it’s tough. In many ways, they’re handcuffed. 

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