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STATE OF RECYCLING: Taking a leadership role

When it comes to recycling communications, most of the officials we speak to at the state level want to do more, but it’s tough.

In many ways, they’re handcuffed. 

For one, solid waste programs inside a given state are all so different. Some, dramatically so. Where one community accepts Styrofoam as recycling, there’s another that doesn’t. Cities with a high population density might provide curbside collection, while rural areas might have drop-off depots—though this distinction isn’t always true.


Because each jurisdiction has its own rules and regulations, statewide communications can be extremely difficult to manage. What might be true in one place, might not be in another. That’s why, when it comes to recycling education and outreach, so many states err on the side of caution. Or restraint. Ultimately, this hinders their ability to connect with residents and encourage good recycling practices statewide.

Imagine if there was a tool that was flexible enough to accommodate the unique needs of each community while providing states with the infrastructure to effectively communicate with all their residents?

Until now, nobody has been able to do this.

The future of statewide recycling

Thanks to our network capabilities, all levels of government within a state can provide waste and recycling information through the Recycle Coach platform. This gives residents a seamless experience, no matter where they live. That means that two residents at opposite ends of the state can access the same technology and receive information specific to where they’re located.

This is especially useful for residents who are traveling or moving to a new location in the state. No matter where they are, they can rely on the same, consistent service they’d get anywhere else. With Recycle Coach, municipalities continue to be the authoritative source for local waste and recycling information. And it’s easier than ever for them to update residents about program changes or problem issues.


Beyond providing residents with a consistent quality of service, Recycle Coach empowers state governments to play a bigger role in how recycling is done. They can launch initiatives and promote them at no cost, leveraging the network to get the message out.

Say, for example, that single-use plastic bags are a recurring issue in a state’s recycling stream. With Recycle Coach, state officials can address the problem head-on by directly communicating with residents statewide. All without having to rely on local governments to deliver the message for them.

The network advantage doesn’t just extend to communications, either. It’s also responsible for boosting the quality of recycling education states can deliver, while reducing the costs. Over one platform, states can provide helpful information to everyone all at once. And as municipalities and residents share the network, it grows virally, which sets off a chain reaction that increases participation rates.

Why act now?

Already, governments are beginning to take a statewide approach to recycling. We’re talking to many of them. Right now, we’re already working with the State of New Jersey. The shift is happening, and it’s easy to see why.


Daily, it seems, there are websites popping up that offer recycling information. Only their content isn’t location specific. And yet they’re becoming the authority on what is and isn’t recyclable. Unfortunately, many municipalities are being left in the dust. They might provide local recycling information on their websites, but it’s not easy to find. So residents aren’t finding it.

Some municipalities are beginning to act. They’re developing inhouse solutions or turning to white-label products to provide local recycling information. In doing so, they’re becoming isolated from the rest of the state. Which makes it harder for county and state governments to communicate with their residents. Without a common network or communications platform to unify and mobilize recycling initiatives within the state, there’s a disconnect between program stakeholders.

A common network unlocks statewide communications, empowers all levels of government to provide a coordinated approach to recycling education, and because of economies of scale, it saves money. Lots of money.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Recycle Coach works, feel free to book a demo with us below, and we’ll show you how our network is transforming the way states communicate with residents.