Residents – Recycle Coach Save Your Municipality's Recycling Program Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:38:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fashion with a Conscience (Embracing Eco-Friendly Wardrobe Alternatives) Tue, 31 Oct 2023 12:28:07 +0000 Did you know that the fashion industry is one of the largest polluters in the world? The very clothes we wear contribute to environmental degradation, from water wastage to landfill overflow.

But there’s a transformative movement underway: sustainable fashion. Beyond mere trends, it’s a revolutionary approach that intertwines fashion with environmental and ethical responsibilities.

Let’s go through the benefits of sustainable fashion and discover the myriad ways you can contribute to a greener, more ethical wardrobe.

Importance Of Sustainable Fashion In Today’s World

a woman choosing a silk scarf at a store from a table of scarves and purses

Our planet faces many challenges, from pollution to climate change. Every decision we make impacts the environment. When we choose to wear eco-friendly clothes, we’re making a positive difference.

Think about the amount of water, energy, and resources used to produce a single garment. Now, imagine cutting down on that by choosing sustainable options. It’s not just about fashion; it’s about caring for our home.

Below are some of the benefits of introducing sustainable fashion to the environment and to our society:

  1. Reduction in Environmental Damage

Fashion production, especially fast fashion, is known for its high water usage, chemical pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable fashion strives to reduce these environmental impacts by using eco-friendly materials and efficient manufacturing processes.

  1. Promotion of Ethical Work Conditions

Sustainable fashion doesn’t just look at the environment; it also considers the people behind the clothes. Brands that prioritize sustainability usually ensure fair wages, safe working conditions, and no child labor in their supply chain.

  1. Resource Conservation

Instead of depleting and discarding, sustainable fashion emphasizes using recycled materials, reducing waste, and conserving resources like water and energy.

  1. Support for Local Economies

Many sustainable brands support local artisans and workers. This not only ensures unique, high-quality items but also boosts local economies and preserves traditional craftsmanship.

  1. Longevity Over Trends

Sustainable fashion champions quality over quantity. Clothes are made to last longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements and hence cutting down on waste.

  1. Reduction in Waste

Fast fashion often leads to heaps of discarded clothes. Sustainable fashion, with its emphasis on recycling and upcycling, drastically reduces the amount of clothing that ends up in landfills.

  1. Empowerment of Consumers

Sustainable fashion educates consumers, giving them the power to make informed decisions. People learn about the impact of their purchases and are given a chance to contribute positively.

  1. Biodiversity Protection

Sustainable farming practices for materials like organic cotton help maintain soil health, reducing the use of pesticides, and preserving the natural habitat of many species.

  1. Innovation and New Technologies

The push for sustainability has led to innovation in fabrics and manufacturing processes, like using algae-based materials or zero-water dyeing techniques.

  1. Preservation for Future Generations

At its core, sustainable fashion is about considering the future. By making fashion eco-friendly today, we ensure a healthier planet for the generations to come.

Sustainable Fabrics and Materials

a clothing rack with only a few pieces of clothing, a few hangers, and a purse on it

The fabric of our clothes is the foundation of sustainable fashion. For instance, bamboo grows super fast and doesn’t need pesticides. When turned into fabric, it’s soft and breathable.

Organic cotton, on the other hand, uses fewer chemicals and less water than its non-organic counterpart. And then there’s Tencel, made from wood pulp. It’s not only sustainable but also biodegradable.

So, next time you’re out shopping, consider these fabrics. They’re not only good for the environment but also comfortable to wear.

Recycling and Upcycling

a green dress with a tag that says 100% recycled fabric

Every piece of clothing has a story. Maybe it’s an old dress from college or a shirt you got on vacation. Even if you no longer wear them, they can have a second life. Upcycling is like a magic trick. It takes something old and transforms it.

You can turn worn-out jeans into a trendy bag or an old scarf into a pillow cover. If DIY isn’t your thing, donate. There are plenty of people who would appreciate your pre-loved items.

Then there’s recycling. More and more brands offer recycling programs. You bring in old clothes, and they make them into something new. In doing so, they reduce clothing waste and save valuable resources.

Minimalism and Capsule Wardrobes

a pile of jeans that has a tag saying "Quality, not quantity"

Capsule wardrobes are all about smart choices. Instead of having a closet full of clothes you hardly wear, focus on key pieces. A black dress, a pair of well-fitted jeans, comfortable sneakers, and graphic tees can be mixed and matched in endless ways. By focusing on quality over quantity, you not only save money but also lessen clothing waste.

And let’s not forget about graphic tees outfits. They’re timeless, easy to style, and perfect for any occasion.

Reducing Fashion Footprint

a short boot with dirt and greenery around it and a plat growing out of it

Every clothing item leaves a mark on the planet. From the water used in production to the fuel for transportation, fashion has a big footprint. But we can shrink it. Start by taking care of your clothes.

Wash them less often, avoid the dryer, and mend them when needed. Say no to fast fashion, which often involves poor working conditions and low-quality materials. Instead, invest in durable pieces that last longer.

Supporting Eco-Friendly Brands

The power of your wallet is immense. By choosing sustainable fashion brands, you send a message. You tell the fashion industry that you care about the planet. These brands often use eco-friendly materials, pay fair wages, and ensure safe working conditions.

So, the next time you shop, take a moment to find sustainable fashion brands. They’re not hard to spot. Look for certifications, check their values, and read up on their sourcing practices.

Renting and Sharing Platforms

sweaters piled with a tag that says second hand

Let’s face it, we all have those outfits worn just once for a special event. Instead of letting them gather dust, why not rent them out? Or even better, rent an outfit for your next big occasion. It’s cost-effective and sustainable.

Sharing platforms, on the other hand, allow you to swap clothes with others. It feels like getting a new wardrobe without the environmental impact.

Sewing the Future Together

In the tapestry of life, our choices thread together the world of tomorrow. Sustainable fashion isn’t just a trend; it’s a commitment to the planet and its people. By weaving eco-conscious decisions into our daily wear, we craft a brighter, more sustainable future.

Author Bio

Jonathan Mein is an experienced meeting and event planner working with Cuztom Threadz as a communications specialist to educate and share his experience. He is passionate about planning, designing, and throwing events for private and corporate clients. Jonathan Mein’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond his event planning and writing career. He actively promotes eco-friendly practices, including recycling, waste reduction, and sustainable event management.

6 Ways to be More Eco-Friendly At Home Wed, 27 Sep 2023 11:37:11 +0000 Being eco-friendly at home starts with making a commitment to maintaining an Earth-sustainable lifestyle. And while “reduce, reuse, recycle” is a great beginning, it is only part of creating an ecological plan.

If you are trying to minimize waste, start with your own trash can and evaluate where you can cut back. Discover 6 ways to be more eco-friendly at home and get a jumpstart on lowering your environmental footprint.  

1. Minimize Lawn Chemicals

toddler boy watering plants in a garden

Harsh chemicals may kill weeds, but they damage healthy plants, insects, and soil. Synthetic fertilizers seep into the ground, causing harmful runoff that flows into nearby bodies of water, harming aquatic life. Organic fertilizers and natural alternatives are better for the environment. Minced leaves, grass clippings, and nutrient-rich compost nourish your lawn and garden without introducing chemicals.

2. Plant Natives

bee pollinating a pink flower

The term “go native” is a plea for homeowners to use naturally occurring plants from their local area in landscapes. These native plants are well-suited to your local climate and require less water and maintenance to support local wildlife. Natives attract beneficial pollinators like birds, butterflies, moths, and bees.   

3. Conserve Water

single tulip growing through rock bed

Water is a precious commodity that we take for granted. Rainy days have their purpose. The downpours fill reservoirs, streams, lakes, and rivers, and preserving water is important, especially when Mother Nature is fickle.

Conserve water and cut down on your water waste with a few tips:

  • Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or doing the dishes
  • Repair leaky faucets, pipes, and hoses as soon as possible
  • Install low-flush toilets
  • Consider rain barrels to hold excess water for later use with your lawn and garden
  • Xeriscape with succulents and other water-wise plants and hardscapes like rocks, ornaments, and gravel
  • Install an automatic irrigation system with a rain sensor
  • Wait until you have a full load to do your laundry

4. Recycle Your Electronics

close up of computer parts

Computers, cellphones, and tablets are filling our landfills, as older models become obsolete much faster. Recycle your old electronic gizmos by taking them to companies that will reuse circuit boards, screens, wires, and battery connectors. Check for trade-in or buyback programs from major retailers and manufacturers. You can also locate an e-waste recycling facility in your area. Follow the recycling guidelines for your service. Common recyclable electronics include:

  • Smartphones
  • Laptops and computers
  • Tablets and e-readers
  • Printers and scanners
  • Televisions
  • Gaming consoles
  • Audio equipment
  • Small appliances
  • Cameras and camcorders
  • Cables, chargers, and computer equipment like mice and keyboards
  • DVD and Blu-ray players

5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose, and Refurbish

mason jars repurposed as q-tip and cotton ball holders

Walk or ride a bike whenever possible. Riding your bike means reducing your carbon footprint and cutting your fuel costs. If riding a bike isn’t your thing, try creating new from the old by reusing containers, crafting light fixtures out of bottles and bowls, storing plastic grocery bags in empty tissue boxes, or turning old cassette tape cases into gift card boxes.

Use your imagination. There is no shortage of ways to be more eco-friendly at home or on the go. Shop at secondhand stores for still-usable items. Check out antique dealers and consignment shops. It’s a fun way to spend a few hours and save a little money at the same time while getting a one-of-a-kind item.  

6. Small Changes, Big Impact

woman riding a bike

Small changes make a big impact. Start with simple steps like bringing reusable bags to the grocery store on your next trip, using dish towels instead of disposable paper towels, and avoiding single-use plastics like cups, straws, water bottles, and plates. These items end up in landfills, polluting streams, waterways, and our oceans.

Old habits are hard to break, but being more eco-friendly is easy, especially when it’s built into your daily routine. Because community programs vary, recycling correctly and knowing what companies reuse are the keys to making a real difference in protecting our earth. 

Author Bio

Teri Silver is a journalist and outdoor enthusiast. She and her husband live on 5 acres with a vast lawn, three gardens, a farm, a pond, many trees, and a lot of yard work! The best parts of the year are summer and fall when home-grown veggies are on the dinner table.

Greening Your Kitchen: How to Implement Recycling and Composting Practices at Home Tue, 04 Jul 2023 10:58:21 +0000 Did you know that recycling in the US is on the decline? Though Americans are becoming increasingly concerned about climate change, our worries aren’t reflected in how we deal with waste. 

Home recycling and composting are some of the easiest ways to build a greener home, helping the planet from the comfort of your kitchen. 

If you’ve let your sustainability slide recently, get back on track with these top tips.

Look into Local Recycling and Composting Guidelines

There are different rules when it comes to what you can and can’t recycle or compost depending on which state you’re in. Some local councils, for example, provide food waste bins that make getting rid of organic waste simple! Others won’t take your home composting at all, leaving it up to you to deal with.

It’s also vital you know what you can and can’t recycle. Some items are accepted by councils nationwide, like type 1 plastic (PET) and cardboard. Knowing instantly whether an item will be collected in your recycling bin is a great way to speed up your systems and make sorting your rubbish a whole lot easier.

Downloading and using the Recycle Coach App is a great way to keep up with what is accepted or not accepted in your area. You just need to use the What Goes Where search tool if you your municipality participates in our program.

Learn the Right Ways to Home Compost

Composting Food remains in the Bucket. Organic vegetable scraps for composting

There are lots of questions to ask when you’re creating a greener kitchen, from how sustainable are wooden worktops to whether dishwashers are more eco-friendly than hand washing. But many people forget to consider home composting. Could your kitchen become a hotspot for eco-friendly food waste?

Learning how to compost at home can reduce your carbon footprint, decrease the strain on landfills, and put your potato peelings and banana skins to good use! Start by looking into what you can and can’t compost at home. Many budding composters know that raw fruit and veg can go into their bin, but they’re not aware that egg shells, cardboard, and coffee grounds can also be composted.

Look into the different ways you can turn your waste into useful compost for your garden. Some people use outdoor compost bins, whilst others use sealed boxes indoors and bacteria mixes, like Bokashi mix, for easy, smaller-scale composting. 

Invest in a Good Compost Bin

If your local council doesn’t provide you with a good composting bin to keep in your home, it’s time to take matters into your own hands. There are tons of home composting bins out there in varying sizes and at different price points. Just be sure to find one that has filters and a tight seal to keep any smells inside.

Give Away Your Food Waste

If your council doesn’t collect them, home composting isn’t the only sustainable way of dealing with your peelings. There are plenty of other people who will take them for you! If you have friends or family with gardens, ask if they do their own composting. If they do, see if they’d like your peelings and cardboard waste to add to their collection.

You can also find local gardening communities and sustainable initiatives that will be happy to have your food waste. Search online or post in a local Facebook group to see who wants your waste.

Organize Your Recycling

Plastic recycling in the home

Recycling at home isn’t quite as complex as home composting. But, there are still tricks that can make it simpler and quicker.

We highly recommend organizing your recycling into different bins or boxes as you go if your council requires items to be separated. This is much easier than chucking everything into a bag to be sorted out later.

Some homeowners have different bins for plastic, paper, and metal that they can easily chuck their waste into, ready to be put out on recycling day. These are kept next to their normal bin as a reminder to recycle rather than throw them away.

Make sure you rinse out anything dirty, too. From metal tins to plastic pasta pots, give your materials a clean before throwing them away to ensure they can be recycled. 

Recycling at Larger Stores

Some recyclable products won’t be collected by the local council, but they can still be recycled. These will often say ‘Recycle with plastic bags at larger stores’ – or something along those lines. This simply means that larger supermarkets will often accept the products at their recycling points.

These points may be in-store or in the car park. If you’re unsure, ask a member of staff and they’ll be able to direct you to the correct recycling location.

Get the Whole Family Involved

family of three squeezing bottles to prevent environmental damage

Unless you live alone, it’s important to get everybody you live with recycling and composting, too! Whenever you bring in a new practice, such as a compost bin for your waste or recycling fruit juice cartons, be sure to let your family, partner, or housemates know.

If you live with children, you can encourage them to pick up your good habits by rewarding them for recycling. Add stickers to a chart every time your little one puts something into the correct recycling bin, and give them a treat after a certain number of stars have been collected. You can also try out fun recycling games, making sustainability more exciting for your children.

Final Words

The amount of waste humans produce simply isn’t sustainable for our planet. But, by implementing great recycling and composting practices in your home, you can help minimize your personal impact and make the world a greener place. Use the tips we’ve mentioned here to kickstart your journey!

Author Bio

Daniel Groves has a background in Business Economics and is passionate about the growth of sustainable businesses. Daniel has collaborated with many online publications to further develop his knowledge and share his experience with like-minded eco-conscious entrepreneurs, business owners, and growth strategists. Connect with Daniel on LinkedIn.

9 Eco-friendly Summer Activities Wed, 21 Jun 2023 16:23:34 +0000 Summer is officially here! From picnics in the park to taking advantage of long days and soaking up every minute of sunshine, there are so many ways to stay eco-friendly while packing your schedule full of fun for your family or kids. You can enjoy these summer activities in the great outdoors (or indoors, if rain spoils your plans) without worrying about waste or causing harm to the environment.

1 – Give your home garden a makeover. Spring cleaning, who? Summer is the perfect time to give your garden a refresh. Upcycle cans into planters instead of buying them from the store, get creative and transform old furniture into storage space for garden produce, or breakdown concrete to build pathways.

2 – Discover a local farmer’s market and shop local. Support small business and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. Before you head out, make sure to do your research and learn what grows easily in your area and prioritize buying seasonal produce.

3 – Start a new upcycling project. We’re all guilty of hanging on to extra stuff just in case it becomes useful again. But you don’t need to wait to catch the yoga bug to get use out of household items hanging around your house, whether that be an extra yoga mat (or three), old bras in your closet, or even pots and pans.

4 – Keep your kids cool with sustainable water games! Water balloon fights are a classic for hot summer days and undoubtedly one of the most fun activities to cool down. Unfortunately, balloons are not the best for the environment and create litter. Swap your balloons for water guns, organize a cup-to-cup water race, or turn old fabrics from around the house into makeshift sponges that can hold water and be tossed around.

5 – Plan a picnic. Whether it’s trying something new for date night or inviting all your friends for a potluck, summer picnics can be the best way to reconnect and get outdoors. And you don’t need to go any farther than your backyard for a successful meal! Keep it environmentally friendly and use glass containers to pack up leftover food (or brush up on recycling Tupperware containers with our What Goes Where tool), pack non-disposable utensils to cut back on plastic, and try and plan your meal so you have little to no food waste. 

6 – Go stargazing. Truly one of the most magical sustainable activities you can partake in, grab a pair of binoculars and take advantage of dark skies. Seek out a spot that is farthest away from light pollution as you can get and keep an eye on the weather for a clear night to get the best view. 

7 – Have a donation day. Donating clothes can extend their life span and keep them out of landfills. Make this is easy as possible for everyone in your household and set up donation bins around the house!

8 – Organize a coastal clean up. Grab your friends, family members or co-workers and head out to the beach — there’s nothing more green than protecting and preserving our oceans, beaches, and coastal waterways! 

9 – Try a fireworks alternative. We all love a celebratory fireworks display, but they can be a mess to clean up and the environmental impact is less than stellar. There are so many eco-friendly alternatives to fireworks, from laser lightshows to getting creative with bubbles or fireworks in a jar. If these activities just don’t spark the same joy (pun intended), make sure to dispose of your fireworks correctly and safely. And remember: fireworks are never, ever recyclable. 

This list of eco-friendly activities is a great way to start planning for an amazing summer!

Easy Ways To Repurpose Household Items To Create A Homely Garden Tue, 02 May 2023 15:22:30 +0000 Every year, the world generates over two billion tonnes of municipal solid waste, with 33% of it not managed in an eco-friendly manner. It’s also worth noting that open dumping accounts for 31% of waste, and only 19% is recovered through recycling and composting, according to The World Bank. Recycling is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, which translates to the conservation of natural resources, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and low energy consumption.

There are many things you can do to recycle or reuse items to lower waste generation. And the garden is one place where recycling and repurposing old items can be done effectively. You can upcycle cans into planters, transform old furniture into storage space for garden produce, or recycle and reuse construction materials, like trees and brush to make compost or breakdown concrete to build pathways in the garden. Keep reading to learn easy ways to repurpose household items for a homely garden. 

Turn Old Kitchen and Garage Items Into Planters

pots and pans used as planters in a garden

If you’re looking to turn your garden into an eco-friendly hub, planters are an excellent place to start. Instead of buying planters from the store, you could upcycle old kitchen items like old pots and pans. Grow flowers or herbs in kitchen pots you no longer use. To transform worn out pots into beautiful planters, paint them with the latest on-trend colors for outdoor spaces. You could also turn chipped teapots into ideal homes for potted shrubs or flowers, or create a hanging herb planter or strawberry garden using old colanders and kettles. 

The garage is also a place where you can find suitable items to turn into planters. Old tires, cans, and plastic containers can be turned into beautiful planters for growing flowers and microgreens. Make sure to wash them thoroughly to ensure that they’re free of chemicals before using them in the garden. 

Get Creative with Old Sinks and Tubs

succulent plants grow out of an upcycled bathtub

When it comes to upcycling projects in the garden, you can transform anything from the kitchen sink to bathtubs into beautiful planters. The beauty of repurposing ceramic and stainless steel sinks and tubs into planters is the even drainage they provide. All you need to do is place a few large stones at the bottom of the tub or sink to support proper drainage. Then, fill them with soil and compost and plant a variety of bedding plants to turn your garden into a colorful haven. 

Besides serving as items for growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers, you can also turn tubs and sinks into ponds. You only need to sink tubs and sinks in the ground, then add clean water, and grow plants around the pond to create a rich ecosystem that attracts frogs, birds, and other wildlife in your garden. While the idea of adding a pond in the garden is to create a wild space, ensure it appears neat and welcoming. 

You can achieve this goal by growing native plants and perennial grasses around the pond. In fact, planting native vegetation and perennials is one of the most inexpensive ways to maintain beautiful outdoor spaces. That’s because native plants and perennials require small amounts of water and zero chemicals to thrive. Also, incorporate hardscaping and xeriscaping to make your garden more environmentally friendly. 

Recycle Empty Cartons, Toilet Rolls, and Coffee Cups

paper egg cartons used as seedling starters for a garden

Another clever way of turning your garden into an eco-friendly space is through repurposing empty cartons, toilet paper rolls, and coffee cups into seedling nurseries. The key benefit of recycling empty egg or milk cartons or boxes, toilet paper rolls, and coffee cups is creating a plastic-free garden. That’s because, instead of buying seedlings in single-user plastic containers, you can easily sow seeds in these items. Once the seedlings are ready for transplant, you can recycle these common household items one more time before throwing them in the trash bin. This simple habit helps reduce household waste, resulting in fewer carbon emissions. 

Use Kitchen Scraps to Make Compost

Male hand adding carrot peels into a colorful compost heap consisting of rotting kitchen leftovers

Many people assume disposing of food waste in landfills is a smart move, but it isn’t. Typically, food scraps, like kale stems, food leftovers, corn husks, banana peels, citrus rinds, onion and garlic peels, and carrot peelings take five days to a month to decompose and during that period, rotting food produces methane, which contributes to global warming. To help keep the environment clean and reverse climate change, it’s wise to compost food scraps and other compostables in your home, such as coffee filters, coffee grounds, loose tea leaves, shredded paper, and paper grocery bags. 

Composting also allows you to recycle fallen leaves, wood shavings, shredded tree branches, straw or hay, hence making your yard waste greener. When making compost, you’ll need a compost bin or container, or dig a pit in one corner of your garden. Then, add green materials, such as green leaves, grass clippings, vegetable peelings, and other kitchen scraps. Your compost should also contain brown materials or elements high in carbon. Brown materials can be anything from corn stalks, twigs, sawdust, and paper. Next, add water and turn the pile every two to four weeks, until all the materials decompose. Once the compost is ready, you can use it as fertilizer or mulch. 

Repurpose Old Cupboards or Dressing Tables

AI generated image of a dresser used as a planter in a garden

Having old furniture out in the garden adds character to your entire outdoor space. For example, you can upcycle an old dressing table with a fresh coat of paint and place potted plants in the drawers. While removing the mirror on the dressing table sounds ideal, it may be better not to do so. The mirror acts as a decorative element that adds a touch of luxury in your garden while creating an illusion of a large space. 

An old cupboard or bookshelf is also ideal for various garden projects. You can transform an old cabinet or bookshelf into a unique planter. The natural shape of bookshelves allows you to transform the shelving into a plant container holder or garden bar. Instead of throwing away unwanted cupboards, repurpose them to create beautiful potting tables for a variety of edible plants and flowers. You can add hooks on the side to hang tools for easy access. 

If you’ve been looking for ways to make your garden eco-friendly, start by recycling household items. Instead of throwing away old pots, teapots, and other kitchen items, repurpose them into planters. For example, you can plant herbs, strawberries, or veggies in teapots, colanders, and kitchen pots. Convert old bookshelves, cupboards, and dressing tables to planters, plant container holders, or storage space for gardening tools. Kitchen sinks and bathtubs are perfect for growing vegetation and creating a stunning wildlife pond. 

Author Bio

Jackie Edwards used to work in real estate, but left the business when she became a mom. She’s now a writer, but also an at-home eco-warrior, aiming to make her family and home life as sustainable as possible from growing veggies, to buying/making eco-friendly beauty products. Whilst not there just yet a big challenge for the year ahead is to try and go as plastic free as possible too.

How To Find Sustainable Fashion Brands in 7 Easy Steps Tue, 18 Apr 2023 14:56:37 +0000 Fast fashion is the new norm in the clothing industry, leading to mass production and more devastating environmental effects. In contrast, sustainable fashion focuses on quality above quantity, minding the environment, the workers, and the consumers.

Unfortunately, some companies are taking advantage and falsely marketing their products as sustainable, what the industry calls greenwashing. Although it will take a while for all companies to achieve 100% sustainability, some brands have made massive strides to eliminate fast fashion.

Why Find Sustainable Fashion Brands

Shirt on hanger with tag that says made from recycled materials

Keenly looking at the trends in the fashion world, you will notice that garment quality has changed. The fabrics fade and wear out faster, and consumers must keep buying more to keep up with the latest releases, meaning mass production of disposable items.

It wastes your money and, more importantly, harms the environment. The sector comes second among the highest polluters in the world, after the oil industry. The manufacturers need a lot of water and chemicals to create fabrics, and the companies account for 5-10% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Therefore, choosing sustainability helps in climate justice efforts. Besides, since it means better pay and working conditions for factory workers, it is also an ethical way to go.

How To Find Sustainable Brands

natural wool dying process

As the demand for ethical clothing increases, companies are pressured to adopt more sustainable practices. However, some are greenwashing consumers, and many fail for it. The following are steps to ensure you only buy from sustainable clothing brands.

  1. Transparency

Brands nowadays are more transparent with consumers about how their policies align with the green movement. Browsing through their websites will give you an idea of how their products meet ethical requirements.

You can check for red flags like vagueness about where and how they make their clothes. If they have pictures of their workers and are clear about their procedures, they are likely true to their fair trade conditions and overall sustainability.

  1. Materials

About 60% of clothes today are made of polyester, a fabric that uses a lot of energy emits high levels of CO2, and degrades in almost 200 years. Elastane and polyester may be cheap but less long-lasting than sustainable materials like hemp, Tencel, linen, bamboo, organic wool, and pineapple leather. 

These materials take weeks or months to biodegrade, making them better alternatives. You may opt for natural cotton, but note that it is water intensive and usually contains high levels of toxic chemicals.

  1. Color and dye processes

While checking the brand’s materials, it is also essential to investigate whether their dye and colors are safe. Most of these chemicals are toxic for workers to handle and pollute the water when they seep into waterways.

These processes also require a lot of water; for instance, it takes over 20 000 liters to manufacture a pair of jeans.

  1. Packaging

Many consumers overlook this aspect, but clothing packaging heavily contributes to emissions. Given the popularity of online shopping, it is no wonder many plastics end up disposed of. You will identify ethical brands if they use recyclable and biodegradable packaging materials.

  1. Social Responsibility

Many companies give back to society, and one effective way is by caring for the environment and adopting more sustainable policies. Others also participate in charitable works in various parts of the world.

However, note that some of these objectives are greenwashing; to know the difference, check that their programs are active and there is actual data to support them.

  1. Working conditions

The clothing industry is infamous for the exploitation of workers. Some factories engage in child labor, overwork their employees, pay them below the minimum requirements, and expose them to dangerous working environments.

This aspect is one of the hardest to check because most companies are discrete with such records. However, some brands are more transparent and guarantee excellent working conditions throughout their production processes.

  1. Certifications

One of the fastest ways to tell whether a sustainable clothing brand is legitimate is by checking if it has certifications. Since customers require transparency, companies aim for green documentation from Fair Trade, GoodWeave, Certified B Corporation, and other standards.

These bodies monitor companies and ensure they treat their workers with dignity, use the right products and manage their wastes properly.

To Sum It Up

flat lay of women's clothes with text board that says quality, not quantity

Sustainability in the fashion industry ensures that workers are treated fairly and that the planet is cleaner. Companies are bowing to the pressure by changing their policies, but you also have a part to play.

You can promote sustainability by:

  • Buying less clothing and opting for alternatives like renting and recycling.
  • Only buying from certified sustainable brands.
  • Always going for quality over quantity to reduce the demand for fast fashion.
  • Buying second-hand will help lower the need to manufacture new clothes.
  • Caring for your clothes to wear them for a longer time.

Author Bio

Mariam Simmons is a fashion enthusiast and Content Writer with over a decade of editorial and writing experience. She has worked with various publishers and brands, including Alpine Swiss, Conscious Connection Magazine, Suit Shop, Fashions Finest, and more. Her desire to widen the appeal of issues relating to fashion ethics and to create positive changes in the industry led her to write about fast fashion, sustainability and ethical consumption.

The Eco-Friendly Revolution and Electric Cars (Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future) Mon, 20 Mar 2023 12:06:13 +0000 The world is experiencing an eco-friendly revolution where sustainability is becoming an increasingly important consideration in all aspects of life. One area where this shift is particularly evident is in the transportation sector, where electric cars are rapidly gaining popularity as a more environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. With the ability to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and decrease reliance on fossil fuels, electric cars are paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Environmental benefits of electric cars

Woman plugging charging gun into the electric car in the parking lot outdoors

Electric cars offer a number of environmental benefits compared to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. These benefits are important in the context of climate change and air pollution, both of which have significant negative impacts on human health and the environment.

Reduced greenhouse gas emissions

One of the most significant benefits of electric cars is their ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike gasoline-powered cars, which emit carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants, electric cars produce zero emissions while driving. Even when taking into account the emissions from power plants generating the electricity used to charge electric cars, studies have shown that electric cars emit significantly less greenhouse gasses than their gasoline-powered counterparts.

Improved air quality

Electric cars can also help to improve air quality, particularly in urban areas where air pollution is a major public health concern. Electric cars produce no tailpipe emissions, which can reduce levels of harmful pollutants like nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds. This can have significant health benefits for people living in cities, including reduced rates of respiratory illness and cardiovascular disease.

Reduced reliance on fossil fuels

Electric cars can also help to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, which are a finite resource and a major contributor to climate change. By using electricity as a fuel source, electric cars can tap into renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, reducing the need for non-renewable sources like oil and natural gas. This can help to create a more sustainable energy system and reduce the environmental impact of transportation.

Advancements in battery technology

3D rendering electric car battery with pack of battery cells module on platform

Battery technology has played a critical role in the development and widespread adoption of electric cars. Advances in battery technology have improved the performance, range, and reliability of electric cars, making them a more viable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.

Lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are the most common type of battery used in electric cars today. They offer a number of advantages over other types of batteries, including high energy density, long cycle life, and low self-discharge rates. These batteries are also relatively lightweight and compact, making them ideal for use in electric cars. However, lithium-ion batteries are not without their drawbacks, including high production costs, potential safety risks, and limited recycling options.

Solid-state batteries

Solid-state batteries are a promising new technology that could offer significant improvements over current lithium-ion batteries. These batteries use a solid electrolyte instead of a liquid electrolyte, which can improve energy density, reduce the risk of fire, and extend battery life. Solid-state batteries are also expected to have faster charging times and be more environmentally-friendly than traditional lithium-ion batteries. However, solid-state batteries are still in the development phase and are not yet widely available for use in electric cars.

Battery recycling

Electric Vehicle Charging Signage USA

As electric cars become more popular, the need for proper disposal and recycling of their batteries is becoming increasingly important. Battery recycling is a critical process that can help to reduce environmental impacts and conserve valuable resources.

The importance of battery recycling

Electric car batteries contain a variety of materials, including lithium, cobalt, nickel, and other metals that can be reused and repurposed. Battery recycling can help to recover these materials and reduce the need for new mining operations, which can have significant environmental impacts. Recycling can also help to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and prevent potentially hazardous materials from polluting the environment.

Battery recycling process

The battery recycling process typically involves several steps, including collection, sorting, and disassembly. Batteries are first collected from electric cars and transported to a recycling facility. At the facility, batteries are sorted by type and disassembled, with the various components separated and processed individually. The recovered materials can then be sold for reuse in new batteries or other applications.

Benefits of battery recycling

Battery recycling offers a number of benefits, including reducing the environmental impacts of battery production and disposal, conserving natural resources, and reducing the need for new mining operations. Recycling can also create new jobs and economic opportunities in the recycling industry. Additionally, proper battery recycling can help to ensure that potentially hazardous materials are handled and disposed of safely, protecting both human health and the environment. As the number of electric cars on the road continues to grow, battery recycling will become an increasingly important aspect of the transition to a more sustainable transportation system.

Electric Vehicle Charging and the Environment

landscape picture of mountains and blue sky, clean environment

Electric vehicle charging plays a crucial role in the sustainability of electric cars. The charging process can impact the environment in various ways, depending on the type of charger used, the source of the electricity, and the location of the charging station.

Types of EV chargers and their environmental impact

There are several types of EV chargers, including Level 1, Level 2, and DC fast chargers. Each type of charger has a different charging rate, which can impact the amount of energy consumed and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the source of the electricity used to power the chargers can also impact their environmental impact. Using renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of EV charging.

Advantages of home charging for the environment

Home charging offers several environmental benefits. By charging at home, EV owners can avoid emissions associated with driving to and from public charging stations. Additionally, home charging allows EV owners to take advantage of off-peak electricity rates, which can result in cost savings and reduced demand on the electricity grid during peak hours.

Public charging infrastructure and sustainable transportation

Public charging infrastructure plays a critical role in promoting sustainable transportation. Public charging stations provide a convenient and accessible way for EV owners to recharge their vehicles while on the go. However, it is essential to consider the environmental impact of these charging stations, particularly in terms of their electricity source and their potential impact on the surrounding community. Ensuring that public charging infrastructure is powered by renewable energy sources and located in environmentally-friendly areas can help to minimize their environmental impact and promote sustainable transportation.


Electric cars and battery recycling offer significant potential for a sustainable future. Homeowners can reduce waste by installing home charging stations and using renewable energy sources. We must also advocate for sustainable transportation policies and infrastructure to accelerate the transition to a cleaner future. Let us take action to support this eco-friendly revolution and build a better world for generations to come.

Author Bio

Steve Rogers is an accomplished and dynamic content writer with an insatiable curiosity to expand his knowledge and expertise. He’s not only passionate about digital marketing and writing, but also about the environment and sustainability. Steve firmly believes in the power of recycling and reducing waste to help protect our planet. Armed with a potent blend of experience, creativity, and a profound passion for ecology, he has carved out a niche for himself as a knowledgeable and respected authority in his field. His unwavering commitment to excellence has inspired him to share his wealth of knowledge with the world at every opportunity, making him an invaluable resource for any brand looking to maximize its digital content while also promoting sustainability.

How to Choose Eco-friendly Kitchen Appliances Mon, 06 Mar 2023 13:24:28 +0000 Want to make your home a greener and more eco-friendly space? If so, the kitchen is a great place to get started, as it’s one of the main rooms in the house where energy, water, and other resources are often wasted. In this guide, we’ll take a look at some changes you can make in terms of your appliances and other kitchen essentials.

Why Should You Switch to Eco-friendly Home Appliances

One of the top tips for homeowners looking to cut down on waste is to make the switch to eco-friendly appliances, but what are the real, practical benefits of doing this? Here are some of the main advantages:

  • Protecting the Planet – Obviously, one of the main benefits of choosing eco-friendly devices and appliances is to protect the planet. Appliances use lots of energy and can directly contribute to your carbon footprint. By using greener alternatives, you can reduce your impact on the natural world.
  • Saving You Money – Another big benefit that’s definitely worth considering when it comes to eco-friendly appliances is that they can also save you money. These devices typically use less energy and have less waste, so they’ll have a smaller impact on your monthly or yearly energy bills.
  • Peace of Mind – Many people worry about their carbon footprint or the future of the planet. Making some changes in your life and home, like switching to eco-friendly appliances, is a great way to feel some peace of mind and know that you’re doing your part for the planet.

Consider Coffee Machine with a Reusable Filter

reusable coffee filter next to a coffee machine

If you love coffee, having your own coffee machine is a true pleasure, but many machines produce a lot of waste when you have to keep on replacing filters over and over. Choosing a machine with a reusable and cleanable filter system is a much more eco-friendly option.

Not only will it reduce waste by eliminating the need for disposable filters, but will also save you money in the long run. Plus, the reusable filter is easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that your coffee is always fresh and delicious.

Eco-friendly Dishwashers Are a Must

dishwasher open and filled with dishes in a kitchen

The dishwasher is one of the biggest energy users in any kitchen. Not only does it use lots of electricity, but it also goes through a ton of water on each cycle. Traditional dishwashers can use a significant amount of water and energy, which can contribute to high utility bills and a larger carbon footprint. Eco-friendly dishwashers, on the other hand, are designed to minimize water and energy consumption, while still providing effective cleaning results. Look for dishwashers with an Energy Star label, which signifies that they meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Additionally, some models offer features such as soil sensors that adjust the wash cycle based on how dirty the dishes are, and delayed start options that allow you to run the dishwasher during off-peak energy hour

Choose An Induction Cooktop

someone stirring a pot while cooking on an induction cooktop

A lot of people waste energy when heating up food or water on their cooktops. Switching to an induction model is a terrific way to get around this, as induction cooktops are much more rapid and efficient at transferring heat to your food with less wasted energy.

They are also faster than traditional stovetops because they heat up your pots and pans almost instantly, which means that you can start cooking faster and finish sooner. Additionally, because induction cooktops don’t use open flames or hot surfaces, they are safer to use, especially if you have children or pets around.

Opt for a Low-Energy Refrigerator

open refrigerator and freezer filled with food

No kitchen can be complete without a refrigerator, but you might be surprised to learn just how much energy your fridge uses while keeping food cool all-day long. Switch to a low-energy model to get the same great benefits without the same high energy costs. Look for refrigerators with an Energy Star label, which signifies that they meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Additionally, consider the size and features of the refrigerator, as larger and more feature-rich models typically consume more energy. By choosing a low-energy refrigerator, you can help protect the environment and save money in the long run.

Choose Cabinets Made With Recycled Materials

cabinets and shelves in a kitchen. includes sink, dishes, and trinkets on the counters and shelves

Even your kitchen cabinet materials can impact the eco-friendly levels of your home. Instead of using materials that are made in ways which harm the environment, opt for recycled cabinets instead. They can look just as good and won’t cost as much as fancier alternatives.

Many manufacturers now offer cabinets that are made from recycled materials such as wood or metal. By opting for recycled cabinets, you can help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and support sustainable production methods.

Not only are recycled cabinets environmentally friendly, but they can also add unique character and charm to your kitchen. Additionally, recycled cabinets can be more affordable than other fancy materials like exotic hardwoods, while still offering durability and longevity. Choosing recycled cabinets for your kitchen can be a simple yet effective way to make a positive impact on the environment and create a stylish and sustainable home

Consider a High-Quality Electric Kettle

If you’re in the habit of heating water on the stove, it might be time to opt for an electric kettle instead. Electric kettles are able to heat up water really quickly and efficiently when you want to make some tea or coffee.

When choosing an electric kettle, look for models with energy-saving features such as automatic shut-off, adjustable temperature settings, and insulated walls that keep the water hot for longer periods of time.

Additionally, consider the materials used in the construction of the kettle. Opt for models made with eco-friendly materials such as stainless steel or glass instead of plastic, which can be harmful to the environment. By using an eco-friendly electric kettle, you can reduce your energy consumption and decrease your carbon footprint, all while enjoying a perfectly brewed cup of tea or coffee.

Consider Eco-friendly Cooking & Baking Accessories

stainless steel cooking utensils hanging from a metal bar

When it comes to eco-friendly cooking and baking, it’s important to consider the impact our kitchen tools and accessories have on the environment. Eco-friendly cooking and baking accessories made from sustainable and renewable materials are a great way to reduce our carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the planet.

For example, using silicone baking mats made from food-grade silicone instead of disposable parchment paper or aluminum foil, or using bamboo utensils and cutting boards instead of plastic, can make a big difference. If you do a lot of baking and enjoy sweet treats like cakes and cookies, try to opt for green tools and accessories, like eco-friendly cookie cutters made of environmentally-kind materials, rather than non-green alternatives.

Glass or stainless steel containers are better for storing food than disposable plastic bags. By choosing eco-friendly cooking and baking accessories made from sustainable materials, we can reduce waste, conserve natural resources, and contribute to a healthier planet.

Don’t Forget About an Eco-friendly Rice Cooker

Stainless steel rice cooker pressure cooker

Love rice? Well, one of the downsides with rice is that it can lead to a lot of wasted water and energy while it cooks. If you eat rice often, investing in an eco-friendly rice cooker could make a massive difference to your kitchen. It’ll cook rice evenly and easily for you with way less waste.

One of the key factors to avoid is Teflon. Make sure your rice cooker is made from Teflon free materials such as stainless steel, clay, or ceramic. Also choose a rice cooker that is the appropriate size for you as to not waste energy needlessly on a too-large pot.

You’ll Need an Energy Efficient Toaster

stainless steel toaster on wooden table with a man eating breakfast and drinking coffee in the background

Many people love a warm slice of freshly-buttered toast first thing in the morning, but toasters can also use lots of energy unnecessarily. Make the switch to an energy-efficient model to enjoy tasty toast while minimizing your carbon footprint.

Traditional toasters can use a lot of energy, even when toasting a single slice of bread. Energy-efficient toasters, on the other hand, are designed to use less energy while still providing the same great toasting results. Look for toasters with variable temperature control that allows you to adjust the heat setting based on the type of bread you’re toasting.

When choosing an energy-efficient toaster, it’s also important to look for models made with eco-friendly materials such as stainless steel, glass, or even bioplastics.

Eco-Friendly Appliance Disposal

large appliances all piled together

Eco-friendly appliance disposal is a vital aspect of sustainable living. When an appliance reaches the end of its useful life, it can pose a huge environmental challenge, as it may contain materials that can be harmful if not disposed of properly.

Instead of simply throwing away old appliances, try to consider eco-friendly disposal options. One option is to donate the appliance to someone in need, which can extend its useful life. Another option is to recycle the appliance through specialty drop-off programs that may be in your area, as many components such as metal, glass, and plastic can be reused. For larger items, check to see if scrap metal yards might take them for metal collection.

Check with your local e-waste program to determine if they accept any appliances and what the proper disposal procedures are. In addition, many appliance manufacturers offer take-back programs that enable you to return old appliances to them for proper disposal or recycling. By choosing eco-friendly appliance disposal methods, you can help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and contribute to a more sustainable future.

While components of kitchen appliances may be salvageable for specialty programs, e-waste collections, or manufacturer take-back programs, these items should never go in your general recycling bin.

So, If you’re looking to reduce plastic waste in your home and get rid of those old appliances and devices you no longer need, make sure to choose the best options and contact the right people for proper disposal.

Author Bio

Jordan River is an experienced baker working with JB Cookie Cutters to educate and share her experience. She’s had her fair share of kitchen and cooking tools and knows exactly what works best and why. She is always on the lookout for ways to make her own cooking experience as eco-friendly as possible.

Planting a Plastic-Free Garden Thu, 16 Feb 2023 17:05:31 +0000 We produce more than 50 million tons of plastic waste a year, and only 15% of that makes it to the recycling plant. The rest ends up in a landfill. And unfortunately, of the materials that do reach a recycling facility, most end up incinerated or otherwise disposed of.

Whether your garden is filled with colorful blooms or nutritious vegetables, every gardener has an appreciation for planet Earth and the wonders of Mother Nature. For this reason, we should all do what we can to minimize the use of single-use plastics.

While it may seem daunting at first, there are actually quite a few simple ways to minimize or eliminate plastics from your garden.

Minimize Trips to the Garden Store

two women shopping for plants at a garden store

One of the easiest ways to go plastic-free is to stop purchasing materials packaged in plastic bags, such as mulch, topsoil, and potting soil. Look for these products in compostable packaging. If that’s not available, consider purchasing these materials in bulk to avoid excess plastic.

Ideally, you can get a dump directly on your driveway, which avoids packaging altogether. If your needs don’t meet the minimum order requirements, see if any of your neighbors are interested in sharing the materials.

Landscaping paper is another big culprit for plastic use in the garden, but there are many environmentally friendly alternatives to this synthetic product. Cardboard and newspaper actually do a great job of preventing weed growth, as does yard waste.

If you enjoy gardening, you should learn to love composting. Recycling organic waste is an easy process that will greatly benefit your garden. Quality compost will reduce your need for fertilizers, soil additives, and even additional soil –– all items that are packaged in single-use plastics.

Rethink the Tools You Buy

wood and metal gardening tools

Hoses are another major culprit of plastic waste. Regardless of the type of hose you have, it will include plastic materials that cannot serve a new purpose once the hose deteriorates. There are also studies showing that various materials leach into the water supply from the hose itself, including phthalates.

Once your current hose fails, consider replacing it with a quality metal watering can. While this is perhaps not as convenient as a hose, it is a much better alternative to plastic hoses. Since you probably already have a perfectly good hose, start using a watering can occasionally to minimize leached chemicals reaching your soil.

With other lawn tools, including rakes, hoes, shovels, and shears, focus on metal and wooden items. Tools with wooden handles are just as comfortable to use as those with plastic ones, and they are much more sustainable.

If the cost of a metal tool is concerning, or you are looking for a cheap item you’ll need once or twice, look to connect with other gardeners in your area. Sharing and repurposing materials and tools –– plastic or not –– is a wonderful way to introduce sustainability into your garden.

Start with Seeds and Scraps

Cardboard egg cartons used as seed starters for gardening, in a glass baking dish on piece of furniture next to a window

When shopping at the garden store, you see that pretty much all plants are packaged in disposable plastic containers. Avoiding this is a great step in minimizing plastic waste. Look for plants packaged in cardboard or other sustainable materials or start your own plants at home.

You can plant seeds in a variety of containers and then transplant them into your garden come springtime. Toilet paper tubes are a great alternative and something you can probably collect pretty easily. Clean muffin tins, glass jars, and yogurt cups –– another single-use plastic –– can all be home to germinating plants.

Seeds are most often sold in paper envelopes, thus avoiding plastic waste. If you already have a rather prolific garden, you can collect seeds from your yield each year and use those to start new plants. A lot of veggies and herbs can also be started from kitchen scraps.

Even the plastics that do find their way to a productive recycling plant aren’t effectively reused. The polymers in plastic are fragile, so they can only be repurposed 2 to 3 times. While tossing items into the recycling bin may make us feel good, the reality is that we’re poisoning every aspect of our world with each piece of disposable plastic we consume.

Going entirely plastic-free may seem daunting, but you can start small. Each choice to reduce single-use plastic consumption is a step in supporting our natural resources and protecting our environment.

Author Bio

Alison Hoover is a freelance writer for LawnStarter, an outdoor services provider. A midwesterner through and through, she loves to spend her time baking and reading. LawnStarter encourages eco-friendly practices with articles like “Don’t Bag: Mulch Your Grass Clippings for a Healthy Lawn,” “8 Best Composting Bins,” and “Most Sustainable Cities

5 Best Reusable Products You Need In 2023 Mon, 30 Jan 2023 19:52:00 +0000 Let’s face it, people run through an alarming amount of single-use plastic daily. A container to carry our takeout, a straw on our iced latte, our disposable cups – individually, they may seem harmless. But our reliance on these products means we are accumulating waste at a staggering rate, producing up to 400 million tons of plastic waste worldwide each year.

 And with more alarming statistics every day, it’s no surprise that consumers are looking for ways to reduce their plastic consumption. So if you’re looking for ways to lower your carbon footprint and make your household more eco-friendly, switching to reusable products is one of the simplest methods.

The good news is that adjusting to an eco-conscious lifestyle is much easier than you think. In case you need help getting started, we’ve compiled some of our favorite reusable products to help you kickstart your sustainable journey in this article.

What Are Reusable Products?

Reusable products, in simple words, are products you can repeatedly use. Aside from helping the environment, you’re saving money in the long run if you are a little creative. And because there are lots of eco-friendly choices on the market today, switching to reusable products is easy to incorporate into your daily routine. You don’t necessarily need to change your lifestyle significantly; small changes will help a lot.

Using reusable and recyclable materials is a crucial aspect of the circular economy concept. It aims to eliminate additional pollution and encourage sustainability by extending the span of a product through reusage. 

Beeswax Food Wraps

Hands folding beeswax food wrap around a sandwich

The average family uses 24 rolls of cling wrap every year. Beeswax wraps are a natural and waste-free alternative to traditional plastic cling wrap or aluminum foil. They are 100% plastic free and effortless to clean. They can be reused several times, sometimes up to a year, before eventually disintegrating because of their natural components. These wraps are usually made of cotton and coated with food-grade beeswax, coconut oil, and jojoba oil- so the fabric sticks together. 

Why It’s A Great Alternative: Compared to plastic wrap, which accelerates mold growth, beeswax wrap is more breathable and keeps your food fresher for longer. It’s also incredibly easy to use because its heat activated — so you can shape it around your plate or bowl simply by heating it with the palms of your hands. The wrap maintains its shape and seals when it’s cool.

Proper Disposal: Beeswax wraps are compostable. So once the protective wax coating has worn away, you can bury it in the backyard, and it will eventually break down into compost.

Pro-Tip: To make your beeswax wraps last longer, use cold water when washing them.

Wool Dryer Balls

hand holding a wool dryer ball before placing it in the dryer

As a more sustainable alternative to dryer sheets, these dryer balls are made of tightly compressed wool and are designed to go into your dryer with your wet laundry. They work by tumbling between fabrics and physically preventing clothes from clinging together. This tumbling movement also allows air to be circular better to quicken drying time. These dryer balls can be used up to 1000 times and are completely biodegradable. 

Why It’s A Great Alternative: These dryer balls manually soften fabrics without using harmful chemicals and artificial additives. The friction the felted wool produces helps smooth creases and rough fabrics gently.

Proper Disposal: When the wool unravels, you can add these dryer balls to your home compost. We suggest cutting them into smaller pieces, so they break down faster.

Pro-Tip: If you miss the fresh scents from dryer sheets or fabric softeners, you can sprinkle a few drops of natural essential oils on these dryer balls before putting them in the dryer.

Reusable Bamboo Straws

frozen tropical drinks inside glass jars with bamboo straws

Bamboo straws are a must-have if you take your drinks to-go regularly. Sustainable, stylish, and convenient — they are an appealing alternative to plastic straws.

Reusable straws are made of different materials like stainless steel or silicone. But we recommend the bamboo variety because it’s made of 100% natural components and comes from one of the most sustainable plants — bamboo regenerates from its roots, so it doesn’t need to be replanted.

Why It’s A Great Alternative: Bamboo straws aren’t just safe for the environment but also safe for you. These straws are steam-cleaned, and pressure washed, making them antibacterial and chemical-free. And unlike plastic straws that can leak harmful toxins into your drinks, bamboo straws are entirely BPA-free.

Proper Disposal: Once your bamboo straw has reached the end of its life, you can toss it into the compost heap, where it will break down and compose naturally.

Pro-Tip: To clean your bamboo straws, shake them in a jar of warm soapy water and rinse them daily. But if you want a more thorough cleanse, you can boil water with a bit of vinegar and dip them in for a few minutes.

Swedish Dishcloth

Swedish dishcloths with various patterns clothes-pinned to a string in a modern clean kitchen
Photo from Amazon

A Swedish dishcloth or sponge cloth is an eco-friendly cleaning accessory that replaces paper towels and plastic sponges for various kitchen tasks, from scrubbing dishes to polishing silverware. These are made of either biodegradable cellulose or a combination of wood pulp and renewable cotton fibers. They’re designed to last up to 9 months, with two dishcloths equivalent to 34 paper towel rolls.

Why It’s A Great Alternative: Swedish dishcloths are super absorbent, soaking up to 15 times their weight in water. They’re thick, soft, and pliable but dry quickly between uses.

Proper Disposal: Swedish dishcloths are natural and biodegradable. So instead of just throwing them in the trash bin, you can put them in your home compost.

Pro-Tip: Always hang your Swedish dishcloth to dry so the cotton fibers don’t disintegrate quickly.

Reusable Cone Coffee Filter

reusable cone coffee filter next to a coffeemaker

If you love drip coffee, chances are you run through multiple paper filters a week. A more sustainable, and not to mention cheaper, option is to switch to a reusable coffee filter. This product is made with food-grade stainless steel, which lasts longer, requires minimal care, and reduces the paper consumption from trees.

Why It’s A Great Alternative: Paper filters are finer than stainless steel coffee filters. This means that the extracts that make up the coffee, like oil and micro fines, can pass more accessible through the filter — resulting in a more prosperous and darker brew. 

Proper Disposal: Obviously, these reusable filters are not biodegradable or compostable. But they are not designed to be thrown away either — they can be easily cleaned and used indefinitely, even lasting a lifetime.

Pro-Tip: Reusable filters work best with medium-grind since coarse grounds may produce a more bitter flavor.

How Can You Help To Reduce Environmental Impact?

We have so many sustainable and reusable options available. So making the switch from single-use plastic not always has to be complicated. All it takes is a conscious decision and a step in the right direction.

Reusing and recycling go hand in hand, so if you want to kick off your recycling journey, you will find some helpful tips to upgrade your recycling game here. Aside from preferring reusable products, our shopping behavior also hugely impacts the environment.

 By choosing products made from sustainable materials and packaged with minimal waste, we can reduce the amount of plastic and other waste that ends up in landfills and oceans.

Additionally, if you support companies that have environmentally-friendly practices, such as recycling and reducing their carbon footprint, it will also make a significant impact. Small changes in our daily habits and being mindful of our consumption choices can make a big difference in the long run.

Author Bio

Res Marty is a blogger from Switzerland aiming to educate and motivate his audience for a sustainable lifestyle and helps achieve it by thinking out of the box. He has years of experience in sustainable living and is passionate about sharing his expertise.
