Earth Day 2018: Let’s Work with Residents to Reduce Plastic Waste

Started in 1970, Earth Day is now the world’s largest annual environmental movement with more than 1 billion people in 190 countries participating. This event helps bring attention and build appreciation for Earth’s natural environment. Earth Day Theme: Plastic Pollution This year’s theme for Earth

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3 Ways To Get Your Residents and Businesses Excited About Earth Hour

Did you know that Earth Hour is happening on Saturday, March 24 this year? Over 10 years ago, Earth Hour started as a symbolic event in Australia to help inspire people to get involved in helping the planet. Today, this event has become a global

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Encourage Your Residents To Recycle This Spring By Using Social Media

With Spring rapidly approaching, you and your residents may be thinking about getting organized and disposing of unwanted materials. There are two events in March – Organize Your Home Office Day and Global Recycling Day – that we think may get your residents excited about

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How Digital Assistants Help People with Disabilities

Technology Brings Independence You may think of digital assistants as a convenience or novelty, but they can mean much more than that to a good portion of your residents. To the 1-in-5 people in North America with a disability, digital assistants are an equalizer.

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How Seniors Are Using Digital Assistants

“Hey Google, remind me to take my medication at 8:00 a.m.” Think your residents are “too old” to take advantage of emerging technology? Think again. Not too long ago, seniors were a bit shy about using innovative technology. Maybe it was too new. Maybe it

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