How Recycle Coach Technology (EdTech) Maximizes Your Recycling Program’s Reach

Data shows that only an average of 16% of residents visit their municipality’s website for recycling information. But what about the remaining 84%? Reaching more residents by using a multitude of outreach channels is a sure-fire strategy to building a comprehensive communications plan. And to help

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How to Build Your Recycling Network – Part I

Part One: Subscription Lists, Recycling Networks, and Why They Matter You’ve built your municipal waste and recycling program, but contamination rates are still through the roof and your compliance numbers are dismal. Or maybe you’re getting traction, but not as much as you should. What

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Engaging College Students in Municipal Recycling Programs

Running a municipal recycling awareness program is always a challenge.  Residents are increasingly difficult to reach due to busy schedules, and accessibility is reduced thanks to the wide range of communication channels they use. Meanwhile, your landfill is beyond capacity and special waste collection events

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How to Encourage Residents to Recycle Right This American Thanksgiving

Reaching out to residents about your recycling program is important all year-round. But when you consider that the volume of American household waste increases by 25 % between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day (about 1 million extra tons), it might be wise to send out

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The Ups and Downs of Recycling in Australia and New Zealand

Much has been said about recycling statistics and practices in North America and Europe, but what’s going on Down Under? Australia and New Zealand each face unique challenges when it comes to recycling, and as it turns out, they could not be more different when

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