How to Get Residents to Take Recycling More Seriously

The first step to solving any problem is recognizing that there is one. This is entirely true when it comes to poor resident recycling habits. Getting residents out of recycling complacency and towards the realization that there is loads more to learn is a fundamental challenge

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Adjusting for an Aging Population in Municipal Waste Education and Outreach Programs

One of the greatest challenges we hear from municipal waste communications teams is how to address their aging population. “High-tech solutions are great,” city administrators say, “but we’re a retirement community, and seniors don’t have access to computers or smartphones, let alone know how to

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How to Encourage Residents to Recycle Right This Canadian Thanksgiving

Reaching out to residents about your recycling program is important all year-round. But when you consider that the volume of Canadian household waste increases by up to 45 % between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day (an average of 110 pounds of garbage per person), it

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3 Strategies to Raise Recycling IQ

When compliance numbers are low, it’s easy to get discouraged. But raising the recycling IQ of your  community on your own doesn’t have to be daunting. While it can seem overwhelming to be single-handedly responsible for educating an entire municipality, there are plenty of strategies, within

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Why Raising Recycling IQ is a Modern Day Challenge

Raising resident recycling IQ can feel like an uphill battle. And with a busy work day like yours, it’s most likely not your only priority. What exactly is recycling IQ? And why is it so hard to elevate in the communities you are responsible for

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