A County’s Guide: Fail-Proof Ways to Pitch to Local Media for Recycling Outreach

When you make a change to your county’s public program, it’s always wise to spread the word. You’ve probably pitched stories to local media before, but are you cutting through the noise of all the other stories? Journalists and producers are being pitched to on a

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How to Get Your Waste and Recycling Program News in Your Local Media

 How to Make Your Waste and Recycling News Matter to Local News Outlets When you make a change to your city’s public program, it’s always wise to spread the word, especially if your population consists mostly of transient students. So you’ve probably pitched stories to

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18 Key Tips for Sellers for Your City-Wide Garage Sale

Communicating with residents selling at your city-wide garage sale is an important part of the planning process. When running a curbside event, vendors from individual homes need streamlined information to not only all be on the same page, but to run a successful (and safe) sale.

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How do College Students Really Feel About Recycling?

People make a lot of assumptions about today’s youth, college and university students in particular. “Millennials are lazy, entitled and self-absorbed,” an early Time Magazine article screamed. But the truth is far more complex, and the current college crowd continues to defy the stereotypes. So,

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Promote Recycling by Marketing Your City-Wide Garage Sale

If you’re looking to divert items away from the landfill while helping your residents get rid of unwanted items, a state-wide garage sale in your city could be the solution! Follow this guide for a template on how to plan for a city-wide garage sale.

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