Electronic waste management: How we can make a difference

As a society, we’re constantly striving for newer electronic devices. Unfortunately, our endless quest for the latest gadget is taking a serious toll on the environment. Electronic waste, or e-waste for short, encompasses electrical and electronic equipment that’s outdated, unwanted, or broken. And it’s a

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A notifications primer for Independence Day and Canada Day

Two big holidays are on the horizon: Independence Day and Canada Day, which means there will probably be changes to your curbside collection schedule. That’s why we’ve prepared a little tutorial to remind you how to use Recycle Coach’s notification system. That way, your residents

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5 Ideas To Reduce Residential Food Waste

Do you toss left over or spoiled food into the garbage on a weekly basis? You’re not alone. Many municipalities are finding that food waste is a significant contributor to the organic material portion of the municipal solid waste stream, mostly generated from residents at-home.

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Beyond the 3 R’s: A Primer in Waste Reduction

Many of us are familiar with the 3 R’s of waste management – reduce, reuse, and recycle. Waste management leads to waste reduction, which helps save communities time and money. What are the origins of the 3 R’s? The 3 R’s are a product of

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Single Use Plastics: The Impact and Possible Solutions

Did you know that plastic waste has become a significant global environmental and disposal challenge? Single use plastics are the largest culprit of our disposable consumer lifestyle. Globally, 335 million metric tons of plastics was produced in 2016. Half of this was used for single-use

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